Wiltipoll sheep are a polled, medium framed, lean cleanskin meat sheep developed in Australia in the early 1990s using Wiltshire Horn and polled genetics. The Wiltipoll breed has a fleece similar to other short wool meat breeds that fully sheds in spring. Key characteristics of the Wiltipoll that make it a first choice for purchasers looking for an easy care large meat sheep are:
An established breed.
Complete wool shedding.
Strong maternal instincts and high lambing percentages.
Wiltipoll ewes are seasonal breeders which allows rams to run with ewes at other times.
Multiple births.
Calm, intelligent disposition and easy to muster.
Easy to retain with basic sheep fences.
Rams are virile, alert and active performers.
Hardy sheep that thrive in a wide range of Australian climates.
Excellent feet suitable for all paddock conditions.
Fully polled (no horns).
Suitable for organic style operations.